July 19, 2013

Tìk'ìn a mì Awstrrìya

Sngä'ikrrmì fìvospxìyä oel hu soaia tolok ayramit a mì Awstrrìya. Ayoe kelku si mì sray alu Lackenhof.
'Awvea trr yafkeyk ke lolu sìltsan - taw lepwopx, yapay pxaw ayfäpa ayramä, krro krro tompa zup, tafral ayoel ftxoley futa kä ne tsray alu Kienberg ulte sop fa apxa pa'li lefngap alu train. Fìpa'lil yom layona tskxet ulte latem pay ne txasoma yapay a pot spule. Syehal peyä nga' tepvit sì tepìvat sì kxenerit a tsun ayngat sleyku tsewtx.
Ngian sunu fwa fko serop krra sar fìpa'lit lefngap. Lu 'ok spuwina hrrä.
Po tul nìk'ong ulte ftxey tompa zerup fuke, ke tsranten. Fya'o pa'liyä 'i'a mì sray a lok 'ora alu Lunz See. Ayoe tìran pxaw 'ora taluna tsawke sngä'i lrrtok sivi, tsakrr tätxaw ne'ìm fa lefngapa pa'li.
Fko tsun mivakto fìpa'lit lefngap mì ayvospxì asom. Fte ivinan säomumit nì'ul, kivä fìtsenge.

Tìng nari ayrelur:
Pa'li sre fwa sngä'i tivul
Mì fya'o
Pa'lil kin payit
Tseng a pa'li tsurokx
Fte nì'ul ayrelit tsive'a, kivä fìtsenge

June 9, 2013


Today I went to holiday with my family. Not far, just a few tens kilometers to the Beskydy mountains. But I'm afraid this holiday will be a small disaster.
There was problem at time of departure. We needed to give keys to wife's mother to care about flowers. But when we wanted to give them to her, keys weren't.... Ok, I gave her one of my key, but wife was afraid she forgot them outside of flat. Ok, back home (only a few hundreds meters) - keys weren't outside. Let's go.
In the city I noticed I forgot my notebook. Back home, I need it for searching geocaches! Many new were published in location we are going to! So 3 kilometers back. Wife also said she forgot all toothbrushes. Ok, I took all things and found the lost key. Now we can really leave.
But... another losses were detected at the place. I forgot my slippers and pyjamas are at home too. Good. I'm looking forward to morning to discover what else we left at home. Wiya!

May 23, 2013

Ultxa eylanä Uniltìrantokxä a mì Toitslan

Kintrram lolu oer ftxozä apxa. Oe solop ne Toitslanä tsray atxin alu Berlin fte ultxa sivi hu lahea sute a for yawne lu Uniltìrantokx sì Eywa'eveng. Awnga starsìm ftu tsìnga atxkxe alu Toitslan (txampxì suteyä), Sweriye (Le'eylan), Polan (Tängal) sì Tsekia (Tanri sì oe).
Slä nìteng zola'u tsatsenge txina mefrrtu azey alu awngeyä Nawma karyu Pawl sì Tsyon. Wou! Krra sngä'i nivume lì'fyati leNa'vi, ke srefey oel futa layu oer skxom a tse'a Pawlit tokx eo tokx ulte pängkxo pohu. Mi ke tsun spivaw.
Lolu awngar krr asìltsan. Plumpsìl eyk sänumvit leNa'vi fratrr, suteo wäpeyn fa eampin, ha fo slu Na'vi. Awngal folrrfen na'rìng ayioangä alu nì'ìnglìsì zoo, fte tivìng nari for. Pxaya fneioang rey tsatsenge. Kop fko tsun tsive'a kifkeyt a payäo alu nì'ìnglìsì aquarium. Fayoang le'opin lìng mì pay, lu kosman fwa nìn fot...
Hola tute (oe lu 'aw a fokip) tsyìl ne ayutral turtelfa. Tsakem lu ngäzìk nì'it, slä krra fko flä mì sam a txopuwä, sunu fkor nìtxan.
Trrpxeyve txon'ongmaw awngeyä eylanìl hawl uvanit lemokri. Fìalo Pawl ke tolìng mikyun slä slu tute a tsauvan si. Lu 'awa kem letsranten a len mì ultxa.
Muvea kem a tsranten lolu fwa awnga nìwotx tìng nari yawnea relur arusikx alu Uniltìrantokx nìmun. Fìrel lolu rel azey a nga' frahapxì, keng ayhapxì a fkol ke solar (alu nì'ìnglìsì deleted scenes). 'Evengìl te Atan tsarelit ngop - poru irayo seiyi nìtxan!
Ulte syena trr awngal run ayut awawnän alu uvan alu geocaching soli....
Tsakintrr sunu oer, slä 'oli'a li, nìkeftxo. Kxawm oel frrfen haya ultxat nìteng, sìlpey oe.

Aynga tsun nivìn ayrelit a syep oel.

April 22, 2013

Trr 'Rrtayä

Trr amevofuve vospxìyä atsìve.
Lu ftxozä 'Rrtayä alu kifkeyä awngeyä. 'Rrtal tung futa awnga tsun rivey. Tsal tìng awngar yat a tsun awnga syeha sivi, tìng payti a näk awngal, tìng syuvet a yom awngal, tìng tsengit a tsamì rerey awnga ulte tìng lahea ayut a kin sutel.
Pxaya sutel fpolìl futa fayu nìwotx lu awngeyä nì'aw ulte fko ke tsun nivekx sat kawkrr. Slä fìfpìlfya lu keyawr. Lahea ayswirä rey fìtsenge ulte kin 'Rrtat fte emrivey nìteng.
Sutel pxìm kawngsolar mekret 'Rrtayä ulte mi tsakem si. Fol sleyku yat vä', sleyku payti tsewtx ulte ska'a tsenget a tsamì ayswirä rey. Tsafya sutel ngerop sìngäzìkit snoru nìteng; fol tsat ke omum nì'aw...
Slä lahea sutel a txantslusam lu nì'ul tslolam li futa zene 'Rrtat zivong. Fo srung si kifkeyur awngeyä - natkenong ayuvansiyul alu *geocachers vezeyko sìlenit alu *CITO (Cache In Thrash Out), krra fol starsìm sngelit a mì ayna'rìng fu lahea senge. Taluna oe lu *geocacher, fìzìsìt srung soli oe nìteng. Tsakem len mì ayram ahì'i alu Hostýnské vrchy. Hufwa zìsìkrr aysyulangä azus'ong sngolä'i li, fkol tsun tsive'a herwìot. Txo nivew ayngal nivìn ayrelot, kivä fìtsenge.
Fmi kemo lesar sivi a sleyku kifkeyt sìltsan nì'ul. Aynga ke zene law seykivi na'rìngit fu tsawl slivu ayutralur. Keng fyina kem tam. Fpìl ulte kemo si.

April 6, 2013

Tìlor sì pamtseo letskxe

Tstxo fìpamrelä lu lì'uvan. Tsaw za'u ta tìlor sì swirä - tstxo vurä a fpi eveng. Lì'fyamì le'ìnglìsì fìmelìfya'vi lu stum teng, nì'aw 'awa pamrelvi lu keteng (alu beat sì beast).
Tse, pelun plltxe oe teri pamtseo letskxe? Trram oel frrfen mot pamtseoä mì sray oeyä fte tivìng mikyun 'uor akosman. Pongu pamtseotuä hu mesute azey pamtseo soli. Tsamesute lu Tarya Turunen sì Maykì Terana. Tarya lu rolyu a smon fraporu a sunu poru pamtseo letskxe (poe rarmol hu pongu alu Nightwish), slä poel ftolia nìteng tìrusolit letseo.

Krra ngal tse'a Maykìt, kxawm nga hayangham, taluna nikre peyä lu 'ipu. Tsalsungay po lu tsulfätu auä ulte tsun rivol nìltsan nìteng.

Fo pamtseo letseo soli hu 'ekong. Lolu lie akosman, taluna fkol ke tse'a sätaret pamtseoä letseo sì pumä letskxe fratrr. Nìteng fo pamtseo soli wayor letskxe. Kop Maykìl tsan'eykul säwìntxut fa pxen aspuwin...
Maykì sko Mozart
Maykì uo ayau

Ulte tstxo tsasäwìtxuä lu.... Tìlor sì pamtseo letskxe. Sunu oeru nìtxan. Keng Tarya rolol nìTseski - ulte nìltsan nìtxan! 

Aylì'u angawnop:
pamtseo letskxe - rock/beat, rock music
mo pamtseoä - music hall
tìrusol letseo - classic singing
way letskxe - rock song

April 1, 2013


Fìtrr lu 'Ister alu ftxozä zìsìkrrä aysyulangä a'usong sì tìreyä amip. 'Awvea aysyulang 'ong nìngay, fìmerelit oel ngop fa syeprel mesrrkam.

Slä set, krra nìn ta kelku oeyä, tse'a fì'ut:

Herwì zarmup trramo nìwotx, ulte kxawm zaryup mì haya srr nìteng. Tìwew ke new vivelek, 'ewana ioangtsyìp ke tayul mì zeswa arìkean. Zene awnga maweypivey, frazìsìkrr 'ayi'a.

'Ister lefpom!

March 22, 2013

Tsakem si set

Nìsok oel fwolew säomumot mì eltu lefngap oeyä. Oel inan pamrelit sì nìn ayrelit ulte rolun aylì'u atxantslusam. Sweylu txo awnga livek sat hufwa tsakem ketsunslu frakrr.... Ivinan ulte fpivìl.

'Eylanìl oeyä munge 'uot moftu mutxateyä sneyä. Lolu tsaw pen alor. Pol nìn sì 'ampi sat. Poleng oeru:
- San oel tìng poeru faypenit krra nì'awve tolok moel tsrayit apxa. Tsatseng sìltsana säftxuyu rey ulte ngerop aypen akosman. Stum vomuna zìsìt ftolem tsakrrta. Poel kawkrr ke yemstokx kea hapxìt tsapxenä. Po nolew tsakem sivi krra zeya ftxozä za'u. Fpìl oe, tsaswaw zola'u pxiset sìk.
Pol yem penit ne sästarsìm lahea ayuä a new fpive' ne sute a kllyem sutet akerusey. Muntxate peyä tìmerkup. 'Eylan mìn ne oe tengkrr plltxe:
- San zeya trrìri kawkrr ke pivey. Fratrr lu zey tengkrr nga rey sìk.
Mi fperìl teri aylì'u peyä taluna leykatem tìreyit oeyä.

Fìtrr oel erinan fukit nì'ul nìtxan ulte vezeyko nìnän. Klltxay lok kelku ulte nìn lora aysulangit luke fwa tse'a ewllit akelsar. Käteng nì'ul hu soaia sì eylan ulte tìkangkem si nìnän. Futa tìrey lu sästarsìm aylieyä a fko zene zivong, tslolam oel. Fìtrrta oel ke'ut ke wan ki sar mipa snganit frakrr. Oel yemstokx penit leftxozä krra new oe. Nìteng oel sar nìtrrtrr ayfahewit a sunu oeru. Trrìri ftxozäyä oe ke pey. Tswama' oel aylì'uti alu san Zusakrrmì oe tsakem si...sìk. Krra tsakem lu pxan, new oe stivawm, tsive'a sì tsakem sivi set. Nìngay oel ke omum kemit a muntxate 'eylanä sivi txo ivomum futa trray pol ke tok fìtsenget li.

Lì'utsyìpit alu trray awngal serar pxìm nìftue nìhawng. Fpìl oel futa poe syilvaw soaiaru sì eylanur asìltsan frato fa spulmokri. Kxawm po pivängkxo hu lahea eylan fte tsap'alute sivi talun sìwäte fu zeykivo sìngäzìkit. Nìteng sunu oeru säfpìl a po kivä ne tseng wutsoä fte yivom sneyä syuvet ayawne. Lu hì'ia frakem akehasey-sawni a hultstxem oet txo ivomum oel futa aysrr oeyä 'eri'a. Oe livu kemawey txo smivon oeru fwa ke tsivun tsive'a eylanit a nolew oe ultxa sivi 'awvea alo zusawkrrmì. Oe livu kemawey txo ke pamrel sivi oe upxareru a nolew oe pamrel sivi mì srr a'awve zusawkrrmì. 'Ivefu oe keftxo, txo ke tsolun piveng yawnetur oeyä fayluta Nga yawne lu oer fìtxan.
Set oeri kawkrr ke lu hawngkrr frakemo si. Ke'ut a tsun mivunge tìprrte'it sì lrrtokit nemfa tìrey oeyä oel ke wan fpi lahea krr.
Päperlltxe san Fratrr, fratrrvi, fraswaw lu keteng, lu zey....

Original text was in Czech, but I believe it exist in many languages and maybe you received it by mail. For those who do not know it, I translated it into English too.

My friend opened drawer of his wife's commode and took out package wrapped up in silky paper. It wasn't some ordinary package, it contained beautiful underwear. He discarded paper and looked at silk and laces.
"I bought it to her when we were in New York for first time. Eight or nine years passed by since that time. She never put it on. She wanted to leave it for special ocassion. Now, I think, that moment came."
He approached bed and placed the underwear to other things he wanted to send to funeral parlor. His wife recently died. He turned to me and said:
"Do not postpone anything for special ocassion; every day you live is exceptional."
I still think about his words because they changed my life.

Today I read much more than before and tidy much less. I'm sitting in the garden and enjoy the nature without noticing the weeds. I'm spending more time with family and with my friends and less time in the work. I realized that life is collection of experience which one must save. Since this time I don't hide anything. I use my crystal cups every day. If I want, I take my new jacket when I go to do shopping into market. Also I use my favorite smells every time I want, I do not retain them for holidays.
Words like "one day I'll do...." disappeared from my vocabulary. If it is worth, I want things now and I want them to see, hear, feel and do them. I'm not quite sure what wife of my friend would do if she'd know that tomorrow she will not be here anymore.

Tomorrow - we take this small word easy too often. I think she'd call to her family and to nearest friends. Maybe she'd call also to other friends to make it up with them or apologize for quarels. I also like idea that she'd goto Chinese restaurant to eat her favorite meal. These are all small unfinished actions, which would trouble me in case I know that my days are finished. It'd make me nervous if I couldn't see friends I wanted to meet "one day".  It'd make me nervous if I couldn't write letters I wanted to write "one day". It'd make me nervous if I wouldn't say often enough to my honey how I love her.
Now I don't miss anything. Nothing, what can bring joy and smile into my life, I don't shift off and not postpone for later time.
I'm saying myself, that every day is special,.... every day, hour, every minute is something exceptional.