Lam oer fwa fra'u slu lekye'ung. Ken'aw sute a mi win säpi, new fra'ut pxiset, släkop kifkey nìwotx.
Tìng nari yafkeykur - srake ngal fpìl futa lu zìsìkrr awew set? Ìlä somwew lu zìsìkrr a'usong, herwìl tok nì'aw ayramit akxayl. Mì atxkxe atìm - kea herwì, nì'aw tompa krro krro. Sweylu txo ya lu wew fu txawew, zup herwì ulte krra ke zup, tsawke lrrtok si ulte fko tsun uvan letokx si.
Slä taw lu tstu stum fratrr, ha srr lu vawm, luke tsawke ulte tsal 'eykefu fkoru sängä'än. Frapo 'efu ngeyn, ke lu kea syura fte kemo si, kea kem ke flä.... Zìsìkrr awew solunu oer srekrr, slä set fpìl oel futa zìsìkrr awew lu fe'a krr nì'aw. Kem aswey lu fwa fkol ke txìng nivit ulte inan fukit. Ketsrana kemìl alahe tìng fe'a hum. Fyape aynga fpìl teri fìtìfkeytok? Lu yafkeyk a mì atxkxe ayngeyä sìltsan nì'ul? Srake sunu ayngaru zìsìkrr awew? Livawk ko, newomum oe.
January 13, 2018
January 2, 2018
Tepvi apxusor io tsray
Kezemplltxe ayngal omum futa pxaw tì'i'a zìsìtä sute slu lekye'ung ulte ulte ngop tepvit apxusor fratsenge. Sìpxor ke sunu oer, slä tepvi tsun livu narlor. Trram, mì awvea trr zìsìtä, fkol vezeyko tepvit atxan mì sray oeyä. Tsaw len txina tsengro tsrayä. Tsatsenge ke lu apxa ha pxaya sute tolìng nari ta fäpa ramtsyìpä a io tsray (tsatsenge oe kelku si nìteng).
Nìngay lolu narlor, krra txep tswayon nefä ulte pxor ne tepvi ayopinä aketeng, tengkrr fkol stawm pamtseo amiklor. Nìlun sutel a mì tina tseng stawm nìswey, slä oeru ke'u.
Txepo nì'aw pxor ulte tepvi zup ne kllte nìmwey, lahea pumìl ngop ayyo'koti a lam stum pxel aysyulang. Lora sngä'ikrr zìsìtä.
Nìngay lolu narlor, krra txep tswayon nefä ulte pxor ne tepvi ayopinä aketeng, tengkrr fkol stawm pamtseo amiklor. Nìlun sutel a mì tina tseng stawm nìswey, slä oeru ke'u.
Txepo nì'aw pxor ulte tepvi zup ne kllte nìmwey, lahea pumìl ngop ayyo'koti a lam stum pxel aysyulang. Lora sngä'ikrr zìsìtä.
January 1, 2018
Zìsìt amip - tìkangkemvi aspuwin
Tse, nìmum krr kxäpakx ulte holpxay a mìfa zìsìt latem. Kaltxì, ma mipa zìsìt! Ftxey ngal zayamunge hemit sì ayuti a mip sì sìltsan lu fu ke'u ke latem, ftxey kea fekem ke len fu tìkawng za'u? Tsun sìlpìyevey nì'aw tsnì frawzo mi. Ha new oe fraporu rivangal san Ayngaru aylrrtok frakrr, livu fpomtokx sì fpomron ulte sutel akawng 'ivawnìm ayngat sìk.
Fpìl oel futa fìpxeu tsranten frato, fko tsun leykatem lahea hemit sì ayuti. Ke frakrr, slä pxìm. Natkenong, mì zìsìt aham 'awa tutel a ta soaia oeyä ke nong korenit amawnllte (alu agreement nì'ìnglìsì), ha zolene oe tìng pxaya ewroti yoa häpxì kelkuä sä'nokä oeyä. Tsalsungay - poe new nì'ul ulte srefey awngal tìwusemit fängkxoyuä lekoren. Tìfkeytok a ke sunu kaw'it, slä zene fko wivem wä sute akawng. Tìtxanew lu syon afe' ulte tsun skiva'a sätaret a mìkam sute...
Slä ke nolew oe sngeykä'i mipa zìsìtit nìfya'o akeftxo, lu pxaya hem a sìltsan lu nì'ul. Fìzìsìt nìmun len tìkangkemvi alu Ngop postìt nìNa'vi fra(kin)trr. Oe säpolung nìteng ulte 'awsiteng hu lahea sute oel ngayop pamrelot a tsayun aynga ivinan fìtsenge krro krro. Ha - nume, inan, pamrel si ulte fpìl nìNa'vi!
Fpìl oel futa fìpxeu tsranten frato, fko tsun leykatem lahea hemit sì ayuti. Ke frakrr, slä pxìm. Natkenong, mì zìsìt aham 'awa tutel a ta soaia oeyä ke nong korenit amawnllte (alu agreement nì'ìnglìsì), ha zolene oe tìng pxaya ewroti yoa häpxì kelkuä sä'nokä oeyä. Tsalsungay - poe new nì'ul ulte srefey awngal tìwusemit fängkxoyuä lekoren. Tìfkeytok a ke sunu kaw'it, slä zene fko wivem wä sute akawng. Tìtxanew lu syon afe' ulte tsun skiva'a sätaret a mìkam sute...
Slä ke nolew oe sngeykä'i mipa zìsìtit nìfya'o akeftxo, lu pxaya hem a sìltsan lu nì'ul. Fìzìsìt nìmun len tìkangkemvi alu Ngop postìt nìNa'vi fra(kin)trr. Oe säpolung nìteng ulte 'awsiteng hu lahea sute oel ngayop pamrelot a tsayun aynga ivinan fìtsenge krro krro. Ha - nume, inan, pamrel si ulte fpìl nìNa'vi!
December 24, 2017
Säwìntxu sireayä aswok
Tse, zola'u trr leftxozä ulte mì sray oeyä fkol vezeyko ultxati ayll alu Christmas fair. Sunu oer tsatìlen ulte frrfen tsat frakrr a tsun oe. Fko tsun tsive'a aysäwìntxut famtseotuä aketeng, näk swoati alu warm wine ulte tel aysängopit yoa ewro. Mesrram oel tok tsatsenget nìmun ulte tsole'a kosmana säwìntxut numtsengä tìsrusewä. 'Ewana suté a lam na sirea aswok srew ulte mesyal feyä nrr nìrìkean sì nìta'lengean (taluna nga' ayatanit ahì'i). Nìngay tsasäwìtxu wou! Oel syep relot, slä relìri spulmori oeyä wätx - oeru txoa livu.
Ulte maw säwìtxu oel utxarun lahea pxesireat aswok a tsawl lolu nìtxan. Faype sunu ngar?
Tirea aswok - angel
Ulte maw säwìtxu oel utxarun lahea pxesireat aswok a tsawl lolu nìtxan. Faype sunu ngar?
Tirea aswok - angel
October 21, 2017
Hì'ia kifkey
Kxawm smon ayngaru puk alu Pxaw kifkey mì zamevola trr (a ta Jules Verne). Slä fko tsun fivrrfen txampxìt kifkeyä mì hrr ayol nì'ul ulte oe tsakem soli. Ke spaw, srak?
Krrka tìk'ìn soaiä oeyä awngal tok atxkxeti alu Awstrìya. 'Awa trr awnga käteng mì sray alu Klagenfurt ulte tseng alu Minimundus fkeytok tsatsenge. Fkol yamem tsatsenge pxaya tìtxulat ahì'i a ta kifkey lewotx, ha aynga tsun sivop few kifkey mì le'awa trr. Lu kosman, kezemplltxe. Oel ngolop ayrelot fa syeprel - tivìng nari fìtsengur.
Txo fperìl teri fwa ftxey frrfen tsatsenget, rä'ä hìpey - lu pxan fwa tse'a tsat fa sneyä menari.
Krrka tìk'ìn soaiä oeyä awngal tok atxkxeti alu Awstrìya. 'Awa trr awnga käteng mì sray alu Klagenfurt ulte tseng alu Minimundus fkeytok tsatsenge. Fkol yamem tsatsenge pxaya tìtxulat ahì'i a ta kifkey lewotx, ha aynga tsun sivop few kifkey mì le'awa trr. Lu kosman, kezemplltxe. Oel ngolop ayrelot fa syeprel - tivìng nari fìtsengur.
Txo fperìl teri fwa ftxey frrfen tsatsenget, rä'ä hìpey - lu pxan fwa tse'a tsat fa sneyä menari.
July 7, 2017
This week there was public holiday in my country, so my family went to small trip. Our destination was small city around 40 kilometers far from my home. We traveled there because in newspaper I found tip, that they built interesting exposition here - and we wanted to see it.
So, we went to Uhersky Ostroh. In this city they have castle (after reconstruction used as municipality). And, of course, some parts are used for exhibitions. First one is castle tower. Here is located exhibition of toys. It contains especially dolls for girls, but also various other toys, school aids, images drawn by children etc. Together with my wife we recognized some toys we had in childhood, it looks so long ago.....
On the top of tower is tower clock, no need to say. But clockfaces are in reality windows, so one can look out and that's not something you do everyday. Look at the pictures.
But main reason to visit Uhersky Ostroh was exhibition in undergroud. It was something special and unique, so I call it Underworld (Czech only). It consists of four parts.
See some of pictures taken there (not big quality, as there is dark under ground, but enough to get idea how it looks like)
So, we went to Uhersky Ostroh. In this city they have castle (after reconstruction used as municipality). And, of course, some parts are used for exhibitions. First one is castle tower. Here is located exhibition of toys. It contains especially dolls for girls, but also various other toys, school aids, images drawn by children etc. Together with my wife we recognized some toys we had in childhood, it looks so long ago.....
On the top of tower is tower clock, no need to say. But clockfaces are in reality windows, so one can look out and that's not something you do everyday. Look at the pictures.
But main reason to visit Uhersky Ostroh was exhibition in undergroud. It was something special and unique, so I call it Underworld (Czech only). It consists of four parts.
- Crystal Cave - inspiration for this part is fact, that underground of the castle is flood by water. On the roof there are crystals made of glass, and water falls down from crystals (what are, in fact, small glass beads). Scene is illuminated by light, whose colors change to simulate day and night cycle
- Atlantis - Memory of the World. Interactive exposition utilizes illusion of under-sea world to give basic message where light goes through time and dimensions. It shows you various esoteric images exchanging with images of cosmos on the background of music and spoken words. There is some 3D interaction, like entering mirror or discovering "treasure" (some gems).
- Lookout tower and Immense tower. These two object are quite funny here, under ground, but really, they are exactly what their names say. Both object are created of old wooden girders formerly used in bridge. When you enter lookout tower, you get into mirror cube and can see yourself from all sides. Immense tower also utilizes mirrors to create illusion of infinite length. Or depth?
- Lukuma - planet of Unicorns. This world is not dissimilar to Pandora - there is blue glowing tree in the center with small red stone under tree. If you put finger into this stone, you can hear beating of your heart (it is scanned, amplified and changed into sound). And when you clink to tube bells, another blue light switch on - and you can see unicorns, butterflies and can feel really like on Pandora in Avatar movie.
See some of pictures taken there (not big quality, as there is dark under ground, but enough to get idea how it looks like)
April 21, 2017
Pongu pxìmäpun'i
(Ta puk alu Witcher, hapxì amrrve)
- Awnga zene pxìmäpun'i, poltxe hìtutan. - Oeyä sute pole'un fìfya, ma Keraltì. Mahakamìl tok pa'oti kxamtxonä. Fìtsongìl eyk ayoet ne ayram nìyey. Terätxaw ne sute ayoeyä, uo ram alu Carbon.
- Tslam.
- Sunu fwa tslam. Rangal oe tsnì livu syayvi ngaru sì pongur ngeyä nìwotx. Pongur astxong, new oe piveng.
- Fo new oeru srung sivi, 'eyng zeyhemyu nìhìpey. - Oeri lu tìfkeytok amip, tafral ke pawm teyngta pelun fo tsakem seri.
- Tam, rikx Zoltan fa re'o ulte munge ta txal tsamsä'ot a wäpan mì sähena a ta ta'leng palulukantsyìpä. - Munge tsat, srefwa mefya'o oengeyä mäpun'i.
- Ma Zoltan ...
- Fnu sì mll'an. Fìtsamìri ayoe emrey tengkrr heyn mìkam ayram, ke kin tsafngapit. Slä 'ayefu nitram, krra zerok futa sihil a ta Mahakam srung si kemur angay, futa lew ke si fa kemuia. Ulte krra takuk suteti a skxir seykivi Cirir ngeyä, tspang 'awpot talun Kalep Tsraton. Ulte zerok Zoltanit Kivay sì ayhìtutanä ayngoptsengit fngapä.
Keraltìl mll'an tsamsä'ot ulte keykur tsat mì tal. - Zaryerok oe, am'aluke. Mì fìkifkey akawng, ma Zoltan Kivay, tìtsan, meuia sì tìtstunwi 'ì'awn mì ok tì'i'avay.
- Ngaru tìyawr, tstu si hìtutan menarir nì'it. - Fìlunta ke tswa' oel futa nga wem wä aysamsiyu. Ke tswa' futa Rekisìl molunge hawnvenit pa'liyä ta txep. Slä meuiari sì tìtstunwiri ayoeyä....
Hìtutan ftang pivlltxe swawo ulte hiup.
- Ma Keraltì, ayoel mamunge tolarit suteru a rawn ayuti mì sray alu Tilingen. Pol kanom sat talun kawnga tìrawn akawng. Ayoel stä'nì pot tengkrr yem syeymit sneyä sìn pa'li ulte new sriver neto ftu tsray. Po wolem ulte leym fte vivin srungit, ha oel takuk pot mì re'o fa swek hola alo. Tsakrr slu mawey sì fnu. Srake zerok ayuti a wan ayoel lok kilvan alu O? Tsaw lolu tsyeym a kanom ayoel fìfya fte tsivun sngeykivä'i mipa tìreyt zusawkrrmì.
- Ngal pelun plltxe oer faylì'uti?
- Taluna lam oer, fwa sì'efu ngeyä sleyku ngar yayayrit. Tsa'u a lam ngar pxel tìtsan sì meuia lamu tìkawng sì fe'a kem a wäpan äo keyrel anarlor. Ngal tse'a yot nì'aw.
Slä ke new oe pivlltxe ngahu nìtsleng fìkrrta. Ha rä'ä tìng nari tsatutéru sì evengur feyä ulte rä'ä fpìl futa hìtutan a kllkxem eo nga lu tutan asìltsan, taluna po lu tutan a kanom ayuti fa fya'o akawng ulte kxawm tspang. Tsunslu fwa tsarawnyu tolerkup tsatsenge ro fya'o a ftu Tilingen.
Mefo fnolu txankrro, ulte tìng nari ayramur a lìm sì wäpan mì ayfìwopx.
- Makto zong, ma Zoltan, peng Keraltì nì'i'a. - Kxawm sìtxurìl a tsari oe fterang sìlpivey, tung futa oeng ultxa si nìmun krro. Oe rangal tsnì tsakem len. Rangal tsnì oel muwìntxu ngar Cirit, new oel futa nga smon poeru. Slä keng txo tsakem ke liven, ivomum ngal futa oe ke tswa'. Ngaru säflä, ma hìtutan.
- Ngal tìng oer tsyokxit ngeyä, srak? Oeru, a lu tutan afe'?
- Luke tìhìpey, taluna ke lu ftue sleyku oer yayayrit nìteng pxel srekrr. Ke tse'a yot nì'aw li, nume futa fyape tsun tsive'a nì'ul.
Aylì'u akeawnomum:
hìtutan - dwarf; lit. small man
Mahakam - name of land
Keraltì - Geralt from Rivia, witcher's name
zeyhemyu - witcher; that one who does special actions
Zoltan Kivay - Zoltan Chivay, head of the dwarf group
kemuia - shame; from ke + meuia
sihil - kind of sword, made by dwarfs
tìtsan - good, opposite of evil
Kalep Tsraton - Caleb Stratton; one of dwarfs killed in war
ngoptseng - factory, place where something is produced; ngoptseng fngapä - forge
Rekis - Regis, member of Geralt's group
hawnven pa'liyä - horseshoe
rawnyu - dealer, trader
- Awnga zene pxìmäpun'i, poltxe hìtutan. - Oeyä sute pole'un fìfya, ma Keraltì. Mahakamìl tok pa'oti kxamtxonä. Fìtsongìl eyk ayoet ne ayram nìyey. Terätxaw ne sute ayoeyä, uo ram alu Carbon.
- Tslam.
- Sunu fwa tslam. Rangal oe tsnì livu syayvi ngaru sì pongur ngeyä nìwotx. Pongur astxong, new oe piveng.
- Fo new oeru srung sivi, 'eyng zeyhemyu nìhìpey. - Oeri lu tìfkeytok amip, tafral ke pawm teyngta pelun fo tsakem seri.
- Tam, rikx Zoltan fa re'o ulte munge ta txal tsamsä'ot a wäpan mì sähena a ta ta'leng palulukantsyìpä. - Munge tsat, srefwa mefya'o oengeyä mäpun'i.
- Ma Zoltan ...
- Fnu sì mll'an. Fìtsamìri ayoe emrey tengkrr heyn mìkam ayram, ke kin tsafngapit. Slä 'ayefu nitram, krra zerok futa sihil a ta Mahakam srung si kemur angay, futa lew ke si fa kemuia. Ulte krra takuk suteti a skxir seykivi Cirir ngeyä, tspang 'awpot talun Kalep Tsraton. Ulte zerok Zoltanit Kivay sì ayhìtutanä ayngoptsengit fngapä.
Keraltìl mll'an tsamsä'ot ulte keykur tsat mì tal. - Zaryerok oe, am'aluke. Mì fìkifkey akawng, ma Zoltan Kivay, tìtsan, meuia sì tìtstunwi 'ì'awn mì ok tì'i'avay.
- Ngaru tìyawr, tstu si hìtutan menarir nì'it. - Fìlunta ke tswa' oel futa nga wem wä aysamsiyu. Ke tswa' futa Rekisìl molunge hawnvenit pa'liyä ta txep. Slä meuiari sì tìtstunwiri ayoeyä....
Hìtutan ftang pivlltxe swawo ulte hiup.
- Ma Keraltì, ayoel mamunge tolarit suteru a rawn ayuti mì sray alu Tilingen. Pol kanom sat talun kawnga tìrawn akawng. Ayoel stä'nì pot tengkrr yem syeymit sneyä sìn pa'li ulte new sriver neto ftu tsray. Po wolem ulte leym fte vivin srungit, ha oel takuk pot mì re'o fa swek hola alo. Tsakrr slu mawey sì fnu. Srake zerok ayuti a wan ayoel lok kilvan alu O? Tsaw lolu tsyeym a kanom ayoel fìfya fte tsivun sngeykivä'i mipa tìreyt zusawkrrmì.
- Ngal pelun plltxe oer faylì'uti?
- Taluna lam oer, fwa sì'efu ngeyä sleyku ngar yayayrit. Tsa'u a lam ngar pxel tìtsan sì meuia lamu tìkawng sì fe'a kem a wäpan äo keyrel anarlor. Ngal tse'a yot nì'aw.
Slä ke new oe pivlltxe ngahu nìtsleng fìkrrta. Ha rä'ä tìng nari tsatutéru sì evengur feyä ulte rä'ä fpìl futa hìtutan a kllkxem eo nga lu tutan asìltsan, taluna po lu tutan a kanom ayuti fa fya'o akawng ulte kxawm tspang. Tsunslu fwa tsarawnyu tolerkup tsatsenge ro fya'o a ftu Tilingen.
Mefo fnolu txankrro, ulte tìng nari ayramur a lìm sì wäpan mì ayfìwopx.
- Makto zong, ma Zoltan, peng Keraltì nì'i'a. - Kxawm sìtxurìl a tsari oe fterang sìlpivey, tung futa oeng ultxa si nìmun krro. Oe rangal tsnì tsakem len. Rangal tsnì oel muwìntxu ngar Cirit, new oel futa nga smon poeru. Slä keng txo tsakem ke liven, ivomum ngal futa oe ke tswa'. Ngaru säflä, ma hìtutan.
- Ngal tìng oer tsyokxit ngeyä, srak? Oeru, a lu tutan afe'?
- Luke tìhìpey, taluna ke lu ftue sleyku oer yayayrit nìteng pxel srekrr. Ke tse'a yot nì'aw li, nume futa fyape tsun tsive'a nì'ul.
Aylì'u akeawnomum:
hìtutan - dwarf; lit. small man
Mahakam - name of land
Keraltì - Geralt from Rivia, witcher's name
zeyhemyu - witcher; that one who does special actions
Zoltan Kivay - Zoltan Chivay, head of the dwarf group
kemuia - shame; from ke + meuia
sihil - kind of sword, made by dwarfs
tìtsan - good, opposite of evil
Kalep Tsraton - Caleb Stratton; one of dwarfs killed in war
ngoptseng - factory, place where something is produced; ngoptseng fngapä - forge
Rekis - Regis, member of Geralt's group
hawnven pa'liyä - horseshoe
rawnyu - dealer, trader
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