January 1, 2014

Ayrel arusikx alu Hobbit, hapxì amuve

Sre 'a'awa trr tsole'a oel muvea hapxìt relä arusikx alu Hobbit. Pxaya tute poley nìkemweypey fte tsive'a tsat. Fyape fperìl oe tsarelteri?
'Awvea hapxìt fkol ngolop fa puk Tolkìnä luke kea tìlatem. Fìhapxì amuve lu keteng. Sute alahe srer mì vur, slä fì'u ke lu kxeyey. Sunu oeru tuté alu elfì Tauriel, lu poe tstunwi ulte new hivawnu kifkeyt nìwotx, ke nì'aw atxkxet ayelfìyä.
Tengkrr 'awvea hapxì lu vur a fpi eveng sre fwa hahaw, hapxì amuve lam oer na tìhawl vurä alu Eyktan aypawzekwäyä. Pxaya hapxìt relä arusikx ngopyul solung, txokefyaw rel arusikx livu pup, tì'efumì oeyä. Puk letsim ke lu ngim, nìngay.
Ram a tsaäo toruk hahaw
Ke pereng oe ftxey tsaysìlatem lu sìltsan ftxey lu fe' - frapo zene pive'un nì'awtu. Nì'aw lu vur aketeng. Slä lu pxan fte tivìng nari. Toruk a zong aysyeymit lu kosman hufwa tse'a oel pot mì sìronsrel nìketeng.

 Tsun fko pivlltxe san Fìrel lu säflä apxa sìk. Rel torukä fko tsun tsive'a mì sawsìp sawtuteyä, keng fkol ngop reltsyìp arusikx fa Lego. Txantsan nì'aw!

Aylì'u angawnop:
elfì - elf
Eyktan aypawzekwäyä - Lord of the Rings
tawsìp sawtuteyä - aircraft

December 26, 2013


Sunu Na'viru fìnaer aean.

December 1, 2013

Utral anusrr

Zera'u tì'i'a zìsìtä, ftxozä sim. Fìtrr mì sray ayoeyä lu sä'eoio a neykrr utralit leftxozä. Pxaya tute starsìm 'awsiteng, fko pamtseo si ulte rol sìrolit a'eoio ulte nì'i'a utral leftxozä sngä'i nivrr.

Oel tolok tsatsenget hu mevenge oeyä. Fpìl oel futa frapo 'efu nitram nì'ul nì'it.

November 30, 2013


Oeyä 'iteri amuve solalew zìsìt apukap ulte fìkrrmì evengìl tatep aysre'ti a'awve srekrra mipa aysre' tsawl slu. Poeri 'awvea sre' zolup ftu kxa sre 'a'awa vospxì. Nìsok poe sparmä ulte takuk kxati fa kinamtil - ulte lahea sre' zolup. Set ke lu poer mesre' a mì zapxì kxayä. Lu mesre'luke. 'Ipu, kefyak?

November 16, 2013


Today was performed interesting experiment connected with game. As you can guess, it has something common with geocaching.
Core of experiment is launching of balloon filled with helium (similar to those used in meteorology) with module called Dropion. It contains camera, which records the whole course of experiment. Goal is to reach stratosphere (~ 30 km over ground). Here game starts - module drops 12 stratocaches in the form of maple seed. Ten of them have GPS module which allows to track them. When they land on the earth again, GPS coordinates will be published and geohunters start to search for them.
Another two caches contains radio module, so they are prey for radioamateurs.
There were various problems with this project - mobile applications which should help players to get about stratocaches were published just a few hours before start and they still didn't contained some functionality, so reporting finds is more difficult. Start was delayed because of technical difficulties, but on 10:24 balloon took off in Prague, Libuš. On 10:40 reached altitude of 6 km and on 11:29 at 28 800 meters was near its final level .
On 11:39 stratocaches were dropped off. Because lack of wind balloon fly still near the Prague, so we, cachers from Moravia are out of game; but nevermind, thanks to internet we can see what happens in realtime.
On 11:42 balloon goes back to Earth and successfully landed on 12:21 with no damage. Maximal altitude was about 31 000 meters. Stratocaches weren't so good, only two of them reported its position. They probably were harmed by low temperature (-42 °C). Another two caches were found  thanks to massive searching by thousands of cachers, however another six are probably lost. Maybe some searchers will be successful in the next days, but without exact coordinates it is just attempt to find needle in the cock.

English description of the project can be found here.
Status of stratocaches (in Czech only)
Photo gallery
Video (in Czech)

November 9, 2013


Pxiswawam oel tse'a relit arusikx alu Tìza'usärìp. Eltur tìtxen si a tsarel len mì seng a mìkam aysanhì. Hola sute tswayon fa tanhìsìp ne tsawla syeprel fte zeykivo tsat.

Slä fekem lolen - pxaya tanhìsìp alahe slu fwel ulte sngelìl a fkol ngop skola'a tanhìsìpit suteyä awngeyä. Nì'aw 'awa tutan (George Clooney - tswayonyu a lu poru aylie apxay) sì 'awa tuté (Sandra Bullock) emrey. Lu poru nì'aw hìma ya, ha mefo fmi wivo tanhìsìpit apxa alu ISS.

Fìpum lu mek sì fwel nìteng taluna sngel ulte nì'aw tuté fpxäkìm tsanemfa; tutanìl txìng poet fteke tiverkup mefo nìwotx. Fìsìpur ke lu kea syura, tsaw ke tsun tivätxaw ne 'Rrta, nìteng ke tsun wivo lahea sìpit.
Tutél nolew tiverkup luke ya. Lolu poru unil a tutan tätxaw ulte tìng poer tìomumit a pehem si. Tsakrr pol reykikx tanhìsìpit, ngian sìpur ke lu syura letam fte wivo 'Rrtat. Nìsìlpey pol ultxarun lahea sìpit a zup ne 'Rrta nìwin. Poe fpxäkìm nemfa fìsìp (fa sä'o a ska'a txepit) ulte fa syayvi atxan kllpä.

Oe nolew tsive'a fìrelit taluna oel inan vurvit. Ngopyul plltxe fayluta lu rel atìfnunga' - sute ke plltxe nìpxay. Ke lu ngay - fko ke tsun stivawm tìfnut ki pamtseot. Slä lu pamtseo a 'eykefu sì'efut ketìfnuä. Fpìl oel futa zun fìrel lilvu luke pamtseo, fìrel lilvu sìltsan nì'ul. Slä frapo zene ftxivey. Rel lu pxan fte tsive'a.
- tìza'usärìp - lit. pulling, intended meaning: gravity
- tanhìsìp - star ship
- tsawla syeprel - here Hubble telescope
- sä'o a ska'a txepit - fire extinguisher

September 29, 2013

Tìsop fa uran

Trram oe he mevenge kolä ne kilvan alu Morava. Pxoe sop ne tsray alu Napajedla (fìlì'ur lu ral alu tseng a ayioang näk). Tsatsenge fko tsun slivele mì hilvan fa uran (mì zìsìkrr asom ulte krra ftxozä lu). Tìsop fa uran lu yol nì'aw, slä sunu pxaya suteru ha zene fko ziva'u ye'krr txokefyaw zene pivey. *Tìslele solunu meiteru ulte oeru nìteng. Tìng nari ayrelur.

Nìteng trram lolu ftxozä atxkxeyä awngeyä alu Ftxozä swoka Vatslavä (po lamu eyktan atxkxeyä awngeyä ulte fkol tspang pot sre zìsìt amevozampuvofu). Nìkeftxo lu trrkive, tafral sutel ke tel kea tìk'ìnit mì mrrtrr.
Mawkrra kllpä nìmun, pxoe tolìran ìlä sray sì txayo ulte, nìlun, fwew tsyeymit. Krra fko uvan alu geocaching si, ke tsun ftivang kawkrr.
Hì'ang asawnop alu Travel bug
Trram lolu trr a sunu nìtxan taluna ftxozä sì yakfeyk asìltsan. Ye'rìn ya slu wew ulte tsawke lrrtok ke sayi nìtam, ha zene frapo sivar fratrr alor a 'ì'awn.